Cocktail Corner: Intoxerated

IntoxeratedA spirited toast to all things alcoholic! by Leslie Dinaberg |

One of my favorite gifts this holiday season was a paperback book called Intoxerated: The Definitive Drinker’s Dictionary by Paul Dickson. Billed as “the book that set the Guinness World Record for most synonyms of a single word in English—’drunk,'” this slim volume is a fun read that is sure to spawn a new generation of party games for the tipsy.

According to the author, “the first person to ever collect and publish a sampling from the cornucopia of English slang for drunkeness” was Benjamin Franklin, with his 1737 Drinker’s Dictionary. Other prestigious contributors to the oeuvre were Charles Dickens, H.L. Mencken and Ambrose Bierce, among other lubricated literary lexicography lions.

Some of my favorite synonyms for soused (from the book) include:

A Weeble: from the name of the toy Weebles who wobble but they don’t fall down.


Boris Yeltsinned: after the notoriously alcoholic Russian Prime Minister, then later popularized in an episode of “The Simpsons,” where they give a breathalyzer to a bar patron to see if it was safe for them to drive. The meter had the following degrees of inebriation: Not Drunk/Tipsy/Pissed/Boris Yeltsin.

The emoticons: *), %*) and %-).

Full of loud mouth soup


Count Drunkula

Zambonied: a reference to the Zamboni ice re-surfacing machine.

Feng schwasted: a surrounding harmonious atmosphere encouraging of a state of intoxication.


Obnoxicated: a combination of “intoxicated” and “obnoxious” coined by Louis Jordan in his 1947 hit song, “Open the Door, Richard.”


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That’s just a sampling of the synonyms in this toast-worthy book. Pick up a copy. I think you’ll find it … quite intoxicating.


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Originally published in Santa Barbara SEASONS on January 3, 2014.

Leslie Dinaberg

Leslie Dinaberg

When she’s not busy working as the editor of Santa Barbara SEASONS, Cocktail Corner author Leslie Dinaberg writes magazine articles, newspaper columns and grocery lists. When it comes to cocktails, Leslie considers herself a “goal-oriented drinker.”