Marketing Content

Here are a few examples of some of the strategic marketing pieces I have penned.

Scribe Media profile for Robb Report, November 2021.

Dining and Destinations, Fall/Winter 2021 Turner Medical Arts

Dining and Destinations, Fall/Winter 2021

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Write Your Book, Robb Report,

It’s Time for Extraordinary Experiences, Robb Report,

The Time is Right for Investing in Wine, Robb Report,

6 Tips to Elevate Your Wine Collection, Robb Report, published by Robb Report

Hall's Platinum Collection, published in Robb Report,

Hall’s Platinum Collection, published in Robb Report,

Published on Robb Report, 11/5/2020,

Premiere Napa Valley, published on Robb Report, 11/5/2020,

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Lady Face Jewelers, 805 Living Magazine, November 2020.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Sip Trip: Rogue Valley, originally published in Touring & Tasting, spring/summer 2020.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.

Originally published in the spring/summer 2020 issue of Touring & Tasting.