Local Artist Christine Brallier Exhibits Mosaics and Signs Newly Illustrated “The Night Before Christmas”

book_coverMosaic artist Christine Brallier‘s first children’s book was recently released: the classic, The Night Before Christmas, newly illustrated with her stained glass mosaics.  Brallier spent four years creating the 15 mosaics for the book, which were made by hand cutting thousands of pieces of stained glass and fitting them together to form the images.
For the month of December, all 15 of her mosaics will be on exhibit at Granada Books,  1224 State St. The book is also available locally at Chaucer’s Books.
In addition, for the 1st Thursday event of December (Dec. 5), Brallier will be on hand at Granada Books where she will read and sign books, as well as share her mosaics.
For more information visit  www.cbmosaics.blogspot.com or www.cbmosaics.com.
—Leslie Dinaberg
Originally published in Santa Barbara SEASONS on December 2, 2103.